For Readers with Exquisite Tastes

NEW: Accepting her Laird, Book 3 of the McRaidy Clan

NEW: Accepting her Laird, Book 3 of the McRaidy Clan
Available at all your favorite e-Book stores!

~The McRaidy Collection~

  • Her McRaidy Chieftain, Book 1 of the McRaidy Clan
  • Somers Rising, Book 2 of the McRaidy Clan
  • Accepting her Laird, Book 3 of the McRaidy Clan
  • Only because it was You, Gus McRaidy
  • All of Me, A McRaidy Son

Friday, February 10, 2012

New Contract and random thoughts

I'm not sure if I mentioned this because it all went very quickly but I submitted for an anthology with Still Moments Publishing for their Moonlight Mysteries to be out in May. Well bless my day I received an offer from them on Tuesday. They are so friendly and helpful, I am excited to be a part of their author team!!! So watch for it. My book is called Threat to our Forever.

It's Friday and I'm going door shopping tonight...I'd love something elaborate but think it will pretty basic. After all, its for the bathroom.

Love you all!


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I appreciate the information!