For Readers with Exquisite Tastes

NEW: Accepting her Laird, Book 3 of the McRaidy Clan

NEW: Accepting her Laird, Book 3 of the McRaidy Clan
Available at all your favorite e-Book stores!

~The McRaidy Collection~

  • Her McRaidy Chieftain, Book 1 of the McRaidy Clan
  • Somers Rising, Book 2 of the McRaidy Clan
  • Accepting her Laird, Book 3 of the McRaidy Clan
  • Only because it was You, Gus McRaidy
  • All of Me, A McRaidy Son

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Happy March! It's been a rough last month. My computer gave up on me so now I'm using a borrowed one from my best friend of twenty plus years. It made me stop again and think about the value of friends, not so much what they give or lend but that they are just simply there. Especially one that you've had for many years. It gives a sense of roots so to speak. They are with you good and bad and many times outlast marriages, jobs and a plethora of other life events.
I think for me, it keeps me grounded and calm. Hopefully I do the same for her. If you haven't recently, then take the time to show some appreciation to the friend or friends that can turn the day into something a little more palitable when things seem hopeless. Make sure they know they matter.
I have a release next month from Eternal Press for my book Only Because it was You, Gus McRaidy. I'm excited and can't wait to read it. I know, I know, I wrote it, I know how it goes but there's something different about lazing around and reading a story you love. In May I have a release with Still Moments in their anthology. My piece is called Threat to our Forever. Its a sweet vs spicy romance. Make sure you check out both releases and let me know what you think.
That leads me back to friends. Mine are supportive of my books and writing but most heart warming to me is when I discuss a WIP they can usually tell me when I started it, when I reworked it and when I submitted it for publication. What does that tell me? That I matter:) Who doesn't want, need or love that?
Last I blogged I a new bathroom door was on the to-do list. Well its in but nothing ever goes as simply as one would hope. Had to trim the side and the bottom. I guess that comes from living in a house that was built in the 30's. LOL
Today and for the next couple of weeks I will be working on a manuscript to submit for another anthology. I'll keep you posted!
Well I'm off to let my creative flow begin!!
Much love to you all,