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~The McRaidy Collection~

  • Her McRaidy Chieftain, Book 1 of the McRaidy Clan
  • Somers Rising, Book 2 of the McRaidy Clan
  • Accepting her Laird, Book 3 of the McRaidy Clan
  • Only because it was You, Gus McRaidy
  • All of Me, A McRaidy Son

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Earth Day

I was busy at work this week and I hear a coworker mention "Green Day". I popped off my ear phones and did the "huh?" thing. Well shoot, I thought, I better do something for Green Day so we chat about it for a minute and I decide to call my man with the news. His deep voice answered the phone and I got my usual tingle and smile. He is a gorgeous man. Dark hair perfectly cut, incredible dark brown eyes, a smile that make women glow when they receive it, graceful but manly hands that feel so good rubbing my arms, strong muscles and his butt and chest...add all that with a brilliant sense of humor and an intelligence that I am in awe of, sprinkled with a warm heart, dabbled with a solid protective nature...Oh my! After I got my focus back, I dove in...
"Hon, it's Green Day!"
"Ya, I know. So?"
Not the response I expected...
"Well, we need to plant something, you know to help the earth."
"Baby, that's Arbor Day"
Now at this point I'm hearing his desire to sigh at my latest "idea" but I plowed ahead. Maybe he didn't understand Green Day.
"'s all the same. We should plant something." I insisted "and we should eat salad."
" plant a tree on Arbor Day." he patiently explained.
What the hell! Wasn't Green and Arbor Day the same thing?
"I want to plant something!"
"And why the hell would I eat salad? If we have to eat salad tonight then I want cheese, sour cream and replace the lettuce with taco meat." He laughed.
"That's not a salad, that's a taco."
I started to lose some steam at this point because Green Day started to have a different meaning than I originally thought...
"Green Day is for recycling." He patiently explained
Ooops, I was going in the wrong direction
"But we can plant something. What do you want to plant?" He saved me.
My smile finally came back. I was going to get to plant some flowers in those two beautiful sandstone pots by the front door. Thank goodness for his patience and indulgence! We picked out the plants when I got off work and I tucked the pretty little flowers into my pots. They will hopefully grow but who knows...
We didn't have salad that night either, ended up at our favorite Mexican restaurant. LOL

I think we all try to do the right things by the earth no matter how small or large our efforts. I don't like sorting my trash but I give my best. I cringe when I see trash strewn about and wish that I didn't have to drive everyday to work since there isn't any public transportation going there. My 12 tiny plants won't change the earth but IF they grow, they'll brighten my day. Make me a little happier! And just maybe when I see them, I'll remember to be a little more earth friendly that day.

I hope you do a little something of your own for earth day. Maybe plant a little something for yourself!

Lots of Love