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~The McRaidy Collection~

  • Her McRaidy Chieftain, Book 1 of the McRaidy Clan
  • Somers Rising, Book 2 of the McRaidy Clan
  • Accepting her Laird, Book 3 of the McRaidy Clan
  • Only because it was You, Gus McRaidy
  • All of Me, A McRaidy Son

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Happy Anniversary Still Moments Publishing!

Are my characters real?

I just watched a movie called Stranger than Fiction. It’s an older film that was new to me. The remarkable revelation throughout became that there may be other authors out there that have the same relationship with their characters as I do.

Recently I was visiting with a friend and as I explained that as I was working through the last of the edits on my release Threat to our Forever from Still Moments Publishing and my characters simply didn’t want to change a scene. Her eyes widened and I could see her worry. Don’t get me wrong, she is a fan of my work and has read everything I’ve written but we had never really discussed the “process.” I think she had a bit of concern that I may be a touch crazy! LOL

Let’s talk about Threat to our Forever from Still Moments Publishing and the main characters Lilly and Sam Kendell. Originally, this book was longer but needed to be trimmed. Why or how do I determine that? I don’t. My characters do. Once they reveal themselves to me, I become a glorified note taker so to speak.

When I began to write TTOF I didn’t have a plot or an outline, I just began writing because the story floated around in my head. The more that flowed out, the more clearly I began to feel the emotions of my characters.

This brings me back to the movie Stranger than Fiction. The hero in the author’s book could hear a narrative of his life and knew how all the authors’ stories ended. He wanted to change the ending. He did that by showing up at her door and telling her who he was.

Believe it or not, Lilly and Sam Kendell did the same thing to me as do my other characters. It’s the process of trying to get real emotions and feelings down on the pages and bring them to life for my reader. When TTOF was finished with edits, I sat down and read it again. To my delight, Lilly and Sam were captured exactly how they wanted to be portrayed and the plot unfolded as they directed. I enjoyed the story and the characters and I think you will too! By the way, I’m not insane, just very devoted to my craft as many other authors are:)
Since we’re celebrating Still Moments Publishing’s first anniversary, grab a book by one of my fellow authors and let them know how you feel about their characters. I promise, your author will love you for it and write more just for you!!

Don't forget I love to get to know my readers so feel free to drop me a note here or email at

Lots of Love
