For Readers with Exquisite Tastes

NEW: Accepting her Laird, Book 3 of the McRaidy Clan

NEW: Accepting her Laird, Book 3 of the McRaidy Clan
Available at all your favorite e-Book stores!

~The McRaidy Collection~

  • Her McRaidy Chieftain, Book 1 of the McRaidy Clan
  • Somers Rising, Book 2 of the McRaidy Clan
  • Accepting her Laird, Book 3 of the McRaidy Clan
  • Only because it was You, Gus McRaidy
  • All of Me, A McRaidy Son

Monday, January 9, 2012

Only Because It Was You, Gus McRaidy

Hi All!!! I have exciting news, Only Because It Was You, Gus McRaidy received a contract from Eternal Press! The scheduled release date is April 7th. This is the contemporary in my arc of the McRaidy Family. Her McRaidy Chieftain started the medieval footing in the Highlands of Scotland and Gus McRaidy is the footing for the contemporary.
Authors will understand my next comments and readers perhaps too but the McRaidy's in their entirety just line up and have a lot to say. I will be starting the edits for Gus and prepping Somer's Rising (medieval highlands) for submission but I have several characters from different time era's tapping on my shoulder. For me it's a fun process and that feeling you get when you read a book, you know how you are glued and keep turning the page, well when my characters began speaking, it's that way for me. I just type the notes:)

We are in the New Year finally and I have to say, I love January. Everything feels fresh and alive. As though opportunity and adventure will occur at any moment. It's also one of my favorite times to think about myself. That sounds weird huh? If you think about it, you don't really think about yourself as much as you think about what you need to do or accomplish. It's like paying your monthly bills, you just pay them most of the time but when do you really think about why do I owe these and how do I feel about owing them? For instance lets discuss my phone bill. Now the amount is agreeable to me but what I was getting for my money seemed  to be far less than what everyone else is getting. So I looked around and realized for what I was paying I could have unlimited talk, text and web browsing where as previously I had unlimited text, 500 mins of talk and zero web browsing. It paid off to make the change and no I didn't have to get a new contract either. That's what I mean about thinking about myself versus thinking about what I'm suppose to do.

I'm sure we all have made goals or resolutions and some we will keep, others not so much and a few we may modify but no matter how we go about it, at least we've thought about it:)

For now I need to run but as part of MY resolutions I will write more often on my blog instead of thinking about it!

Lots of Love