I read a wonderful short piece by Lisa Alexander Griffin, called Celtic Lovers Magic. Its published at Freyas Bower and for $1.99, a worthy expenditure. I'm an admirer of her writing and stories and is on my "to buy list" whenever she has new releases.
I've been working on a piece for a while and am posting a blurb for anyone who wants to have a peak at it. I love, love:) It's called OF THE STONE.
Depressed about the impending court hearing, Shanna leaned against the hard wooden benches trying to make sense of what happened. Dom, her second son, a handful when the mood struck him, stepped over the line of reason again. Unhappy with her decision to date a local detective, he took it in his own hands to resolve what he and his two brothers and sister determined an unacceptable situation. Slashed tires, shattered windows and dents all around on Ken’s brand new luxury sedan landed him in juvenile jail.
Still horrified over last night’s chaos, she fingered the bruised knot on her cheek. None of them expected the cops would beat at the door in the middle of the night and drag Dom out of bed in his boxers. Hysterical pleas to let her deal with her son fell on deaf ears. Ken’s in particular. It wasn’t enough she endured seeing her son dragged out of bed, Dom made the mistake of pulling away from them to get some pants and they threw him on the floor, bloodying his nose and wrenching his arms behind him to cuff his wrists. Disgusted by their show of force, she shoved the cops to get them off Dom. That error in judgment and ensuing struggled was the cause for her split lip, discolored eye hidden under make up and a citation for her to appear in court on her own charges. Her other children, shaken to the core, summoned their father with all haste. Upon hearing about Dom’s situation and that, Ken hurt her, he left his battle and made a straight path home.
Over five years since she’d last seen or spoken to Vent. A long sigh escaped from her chest as she thought of him. Not really a man, a being of sorts, his entire family was. Time travelers and Vent had the ability to read a person’s thoughts. That honed skill caused the final break in their marriage. During their marriage vows, he swore to her he would never read her mind without her permission and he had. Still being married was a constant battle, each time she filed for a divorce in mortal courts, his brother Tant, an attorney, would show up and contest it. Every year, she appeared before the Board of Chancellors in Vent’s Realm requesting a release from her lifetime commitment always to be refused. Those arrogant Chancellors would lecture her about being close minded and heartless to him.
Across from her sat her other three teenage children relaxed and almost entertained. Each of them exactly like their father in looks and abilities. At least Vent forbade them to time travel without his permission and to listen to her unspoken thoughts. All four of them were handfuls and it was Vents fault. Vent’s parenting went well beyond reasonable. Instead of just answering a question about a history lesson over the fall of the Roman Empire, Vent gathered all four of their children up and traveled them to the actual battle that set it all in motion. Even simple things such as inventions would prompt him to travel them to the time the invention was first created. Last summer, a sailing trip turned out to be three months long and he took them back to the era of the Vikings. Arrogant man made arrangements with a long time friend for it. Who had friends from hundreds of years ago? She barely kept up with friends from last year.
Each time Shanna conceived, Vent would run his mouth softly over her belly and whisper words of love and excitement to their upcoming arrival. Nine months later, he would hold her and absorb as much of her pain as possible until the proof of their love came into this world. Being Vent’s wife had been everything she had wanted. Someone to make love to her with passion, a man to listen to her input and then make the decisions that needed made, protect their family and truly be the man of their home. That had left her free to love and care for him and the children as her one true focus. Now, everything had fallen to her. Why had she sent him away? It took a moment, yes she remembered; he had listened to her thoughts without asking, wanted to punish her for them and then killed the man who she briefly fantasized about. Understanding at that moment how much power her love held over him and what he was willing to do to protect their marriage. She’d become afraid of how much he loved her and the price he would eventually pay for that adoration.
A final read through the packet of information from the prosecutor almost brought her to tears. The fourth time Dom would appear before this judge and they had no mercy for him. He was only fifteen. At least Vent agreed to come, not only agreed, insisted....
Everyone have a great weekend!
Lots of Love